**We have just started offering a Singles Round Robin. In this format participants play several games with differing opponents but do not have partners.
In order to participate:
At times, 7 or 8 courts may finish their games more quickly than others. If the remaining courts are close to finishing, we let the games conclude naturally. However, if the score is low and the game is likely to extend significantly, we will ask that the players go to "rally scoring". It can be frustrating for 31 - 35 people to stand around and wait for the final 4-8 players to finish. Additionally, having 6 or 7 courts remain unused can be challenging when the public is waiting for us to complete the round robin so they can begin playing.
Rally Scoring
To get the round robin moving again, we will ask the remaining courts to go to rally scoring. By this we mean "continue to play the game almost exactly the same as always. Everyone still has their opportunity to serve, return, etc. Score is still called in the same manner. However, every serve of the ball will now result in a point for one of the two participating teams. Whichever team was the last to successfully serve or return the ball prior to a fault will increase their score by one."
Participant Skill Levels
Pease be sure of your skill level when deciding to participate in a RR. If you are unsure of your rating, you can use this guide to help you determine your skill level. Occasionally, some players may find that their skill level is a better match for a different RR group. If you find that you are winning all or most of your games each week, please consider moving up to the next level. If you are losing all or most of your games, please consider moving down a level so that you can focus on developing your pickleball skills. If you are interested in taking a lesson or two to help you improve your game, we have a list of PPPA members who are also instructors. Their information can be found on this page: Pikes Peak Pickleball Association - Private Lessons.
The PPPA Education and Training Department, through the RR coordinators, reserves the right to require that players move up/down the RR levels of play to ensure the effectiveness of the Education program and the safety of its participants.
How to Get Involved
Ensure that your membership is up-to-date and that you do not have an outstanding balance.
Review the following list of round robins and select the one that matches your skill level. Please utilize the available Skill Level Guide to accurately identify the RR level of play that best suits your current skill level.
Email the coordinators at the provided email addresses to request addition to the group. The coordinator will then send you details on the operation of the round robins, the weekly invitation process for signing up, and the locations. It is important to note that only you can request to join ask to be added to the group; the coordinator cannot add someone based on another's request. Individuals must provide their unique Signup Genius account ID to the SUG coordinator, who will then explain the signup management process.
Check your email for an invitation to sign up for the next round robin and join the fun!
Winter Break
Round robins will take a winter break. Generally speaking, the break will be from mid-November until a few days past New Years Day.
Cancellation of the Round Robin
Coordinators may cancel the Round Robin either prior to the start or during play if the coordinator deems conditions to be unsafe.
Unsafe conditions include:
1. Courts that are wet, icy or snowy
2. Temperatures or wind chill of below 45 degrees
3. Thunder or lightning within 6 miles of the courts
4. Wind speeds of 20 mph or higher
5. Temperatures or heat index above 90 degrees
6. Weather forecasts that predict any of the above.
The coordinator must remember that the cancellation of the round robin is for the safety of the players. While players may still choose to play independently if they wish, the decision is made with their well-being in mind.
Operational Details
Our Goal
The Round Robin program is very popular. As of the spring 2024, we have approximately 850 members in the round robin groups. Our goal is to try to provide as many of them as possible the opportunity to play. To accomplish this, we continue to add round robins (if we can find volunteers to coordinate them). We limit participation to allow more people to play. Members who reserve a position and then do not show up deprive another member the opportunity to play. Playing multiple times in the same week does the same. Please be considerate of your fellow members. We all just want to play!
***Please note that access to the MVP Pickleball Courts is controlled by Colorado Springs Parks and Rec. The gates will be locked when the city determines that the playing surface is unsafe. Please respect their right to protect their courts and the warranty for those courts. Do not use the courts if the sign by the parking lot says that they are closed.
PPPA 2.0 Round Robin
When: Mondays at 2 PM*. You must arrive by 1:45 PM.
Where: Monument Valley Park, Courts 7-15
Who: 2.0-2.5 players. Most players have attended at least one beginning lesson and participated in Guided Play and/or have played for at least 1-2 months. This is for beginning players who have some basic skills and understanding of the game.
To join this group, contact: Paula Buczak @ paula599577@yahoo.com
Backup contact is Susanne Barr @ barrx3@msn.com
PPPA 2.5 Round Robin
When: Thursdays at 2 PM*. You must arrive and complete check-in before 1:50 PM.
Where: Monument Valley Park, Courts 7-15
Who: 2.5-3.0 players. Most players have attended lessons and participated in Guided Play and/or have played for 2-6 months, know how to keep score and can serve, return serves and do some dinking.
To join this group, contact: Terry Sloan @ tsloan16@gmail.com
Back up contact is Karen Mogge @ klmogge@comcast.net
PPPA 3.0 Round Robin
When: Wednesdays at 2 PM*. You must arrive and complete check-in before 1:50 PM.
Where: Monument Valley Park, Courts 7-15
Who: 3.0-3.5 players. Most players will have generally been playing for a minimum of a year and have a solid grasp of serve, return of serve, dinking, volleys, lobs, third shot drop and may have played in tournaments.
To join this group, contact: Lisa Marsh @ lmarsh327@yahoo.com
Back up contact is Terry Sloan @ tsloan16@gmail.com
PPPA 3.5 Round Robin
When: Tuesdays at 2 PM*.
Where: Monument Valley Park, Courts 7-15
Who: Solid 3.5 - 4.0 players. Player demonstrates a broad knowledge of the rules and strategies of the game and has a fairly consistent serve, return of serve, use of drop shots, dinks and volleys. The player hits a low number of unforced errors per game.
To join this group, contact: Patty Doerr @ pattyodoerr@gmail.com
Back up contact is Betty Moses @ dorbmoses70@gmail.com
PPPA Singles Round Robin
When: Fridays at 1 PM*. You must arrive by 12:45 PM.
Where: Monument Valley Park
Who: Players of all levels may participate. Player demonstrates a broad knowledge of the rules and strategies of the game and has a fairly consistent serve, return of serve, use of drop shots, dinks and volleys.
To join this group, contact: Leigh Candelas @ leighcanco@gmail.com
***Please note that access to the Bear Creek Pickleball Courts is controlled by the El Paso County Parks Department. The gates will be locked when the county determines that the playing surface is unsafe. Please respect their right to protect their courts and the warranty for those courts. They can be reached at 719-520-7529. Do not use the courts if the sign by the parking lot says that they are closed.
PPPA 2.5 Round Robin
When: Fridays at 2 PM*. You must arrive by 1:45 PM.
Where: Bear Creek Regional Park, courts 3,4,5,6,9,10,11
Who: 2.5-3.0 players. Most players have attended lessons and participated in Guided Play and/or have played for 2-6 months, know how to keep score and can serve, return serves and do some dinking.
To join this group, contact: Terry Sloan @ tsloan16@gmail.com
Back up contact is Karen Mogge @ klmogge@comcast.net
PPPA 3.0 Round Robin
When: Wednesdays at 2 PM*. You must arrive by 1:45 PM.
Where: Bear Creek Regional Park, courts 3,4,5,6,9,10,11
Who: 3.0-3.5 players. Most players will have generally been playing for a minimum of a year and have a solid grasp of serve, return of serve, dinking, volleys, lobs, third shot drop and may have played in tournaments.
To join this group, contact: Lisa Marsh @ lmarsh327@yahoo.com
Back up contact is Terry Sloan @ tsloan16@gmail.com
PPPA 3.5 Round Robin
When: Thursdays at 1 PM*. You must arrive by 12:45 PM.
Where: Bear Creek Regional Park, courts 3,4,5,6,9,10,11
Who: Solid 3.5 - 4.0 players. Player demonstrates a broad knowledge of the rules and strategies of the game and has a fairly consistent serve, return of serve, use of drop shots, dinks and volleys. The player hits a low number of unforced errors per game.
To join this group, contact: Betty Moses @ dorbmoses70@gmail.com
Back up contact is Patty Doerr @ pattyodoerr@gmail.com
PPPA 4.0 Round Robin
When: Tuesdays at 1 PM*. You must arrive by 12:45 PM.
Where: Bear Creek Regional Park (1850 21st St.), courts 3,4,5,6,9,10,11
Who: Solid 4.0 players and higher. Player demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the rules and strategies of the game. All strokes are performed consistently with accurate placement of the pickleball. Works well as a team with partner and successfully executes switches, stacking, and control of the non-volley zone. Able to analyze opponent’s weaknesses and formulate a plan of attack based on those weaknesses. The player hits a low number of unforced errors per game.
To join this group, contact: Ronnie Bincer @ ronniebincer@gmail.com
Back up contact is Brad Wilson @ wilsonbr430@yahoo.com
*See the PPPA Calendar for times which sometimes change.